Friday, December 11, 2009

I am scared of this child

After introducing my ratchild to the wonders of quad-google the other day (and having him freak the computer teacher out at school with it), he asked me today is there quad-mysterygoogle. Um, can you say somebody seriously needs to put an internet filter on a child's computer?

Friday, October 30, 2009

Conversation between me and my son

I could not find any socks this morning and my feet were cold, so I though, "Hmm, ratchild and I wear almost the same size. I'll borrow a pair of his."

Ratchild: Mom, are those my socks on your feet?
Ratmom: Yep.
Ratchild: Why are you wearing my socks?
Ratmom: Because I need socks.
Ratchild: But they are MINE!
Ratmom: Who bought them?
Ratchild: You.
Ratmom: Doesn't that make them mine too?
Ratchild: No!

Gotta love 11 year old logic.

Thursday, October 22, 2009

First Post In Forever

Okay, I have given up on Project 365. It was nice while it lasted, and I may try again, but circumstances have conspired against me and I am so far behind I will never catch up.

For some reason, the school decided that my severely ADHD child needed to be in advanced math and science this year. Uh, hello? It is not that he is not intelligent enought to do the work, it's, butterfly...and kitty...oooh, shiny. So this puts extra stress on the homework wrangler (i.e., me). So now I have to come home from work, cook dinner, wash clothes, clean, and oversee more homework that I have ever seen in my life! No, I am not smarter than a 5th grader. Can you say mom needs a happy pill? Please?

I am going to at least try to get back into blogging. Who knows, I may actually have some interesting stuff coming up soon. Munchkin child and I are supposed to go camping with Cub Scouts soon. The first time I have been camping in, oh, 25 years? Tent? Sleeping Bag? I can't bring my parents' RV?

Happy Friday!

Friday, September 11, 2009

Project 365 Day 42

Dell Me

The innards of a Dell Dimension 8200 that I am upgrading. I had to take this pic because I have never worked on this particular model and spent 10 minutes trying to figure out how to get the case open. No screws, no bolts. It ends up it opens like a clam shell. Buttons on the bottom and top and slide open. The people at Dell must spend nights at bars going, hmm, how can we design this next case? Oh, yeah, let's put a button on the bottom of the case. Yeah, good idea!

Don't get me wrong, Dells are my favorite brand of PCs. I just wish that the designers would at least try to make the case styles uniform. I have 3 Dells; they all open differently.


Project 365 Day 41


Not a very good shot, but hopefully you can make out the flag. I was very proud and a little choked up to see these flags in front of businesses all around town today in memory of 9/11/01. God bless America, and the soldiers, sailors, marines and airmen here and overseas.

Project 365 Day 40

Hammer's Drive Thru
Louisiana...gotta love a state that has drive-through liquor stores! Can you buy lottery tickets in there as well? Hmm.....

Monday, September 7, 2009

Project 365 Day 39

This is Chris' snake preparing his Friday meal. He gets 2 mice every Friday. Let the complaining begin.